Thursday, 28 March 2013

Supermarket-bought presents

So today is my birthday without supermarkets. Happy birthday to me! This is going to be a very very short blog because we are going out, but hopefully I will have some supermarket-free birthday adventures to report on tomorrow.

I’m also going to be paying attention to whether any of my cards or gifts were sourced in the supermarkets. It’s an interesting point - you can make a decision to avoid the superstores yourself but you can’t control where those around you shop, or what they chose to give you.

My betting is that I’ll be opening up at least one Tesco-bought birthday card or supermarket-bought bubble bath.

Technically this is not against the rules. Although I cannot ASK anyone to go into a supermarket on my behalf and buy something for me, I can't control what items are given to me or brought into my house by others.

And nor would I want to - all presents gratefully received! Ha ha!

But as a point of interest I will be looking out for any supermarket labels or stickers and reporting back tomorrow. Pity my poor friends!

In other news (not at all supermarket related but just thought I'd share), I've just been on Google and was alarmed to see that apparently it knows it's my birthday. I was greeted with a special birthday motif, and when I pushed my curser over it, it said "Happy Birthday Jade". So apparently it's not only Tesco that is monitoring my every move. Scary stuff.

Google wishes me happy birthday

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