I've mentioned a couple of things on the blog in the last few weeks. Firstly, that I've not had chance to do much shopping recently, and secondly, that I've been spending some time with my lovely friend Anna, who very helpfully came to the rescue after the scary hospital/needles day.
Anna and I in the sunshine this morning |
So last night Lovely Anna (as she will hereafter be known) came to my house for some beer and company, and this morning when we woke up (seperately - just in case anyone is starting to wonder whether this is turning into My Lesbian Year Without Supermarkets) I realised I hadn't got a bean in the house to feed us on. And we were in much need of some vitamins.
The sun was shining and it was a gorgeous morning. I'm working today so I decided to make the most of the lovely weather before heading to the office, and take Anna to my favourite Highfield House Farm Shop to get some ingredients for a decent Full English.
Lambs on the farm |
Owner David Prince was on top form and told me I should definitely bring Lovely Anna more often. The lambs were out in the fields so he gave us a little crash course on which breed was which and then we went out like a pair of townies to wave at them and take pictures.
I also did my usual trick of buying them out of my favourite yogurt, while Lovely Anna got some Welsh Dragon sausages, which she assured me didn't contain real bits of dragon. If Daenerys Targaryen comes banging on my door later bellowing "where are my dragons" then I'll know she was lying.
At one point David's helper in the shop commented that I was acting as thought I was on Supermarket Sweep, so of course I told him about the supermarket-free challenge.
"See!" I told Anna I we drove away. "How much nicer was that than shopping at Tesco?"
Mmmmmmm Full English |
"Yeah you're right, that was really nice," she conceded.
And once back home, Lovely Anna was treated to a Full English and fruit smoothie with the brilliant local ingredients we'd bought, to counteract the effects of last night's beer, as well as laughing at the wallies on Britain's Got Talent (thank you Sky+) as we ate.
What a brilliant way to start Sunday. Shame I'm now at work but at least I've got some decent food in my belly.
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