Thursday, 20 June 2013


So this is what a bunny and cat care package looks like...

I'm going on holiday for nearly two weeks from tomorrow - first for a long weekend in Edinburgh, where I used to live, and then for a week in the sun in Majorca with my mum.

So this morning I've been to my local shops to make sure the animals are well stocked up while I'm away.

Hasland Fruit and Flowers, my brilliant local greengrocer, was my first stop for a bag-full of veggies for the bunny. Usually she just eats the leftovers of whatever I've been eating (both veggies), so I've put together a choice of spring greens, spinach, apples, banana, broccoli and cherry tomatoes for her for while I'm away.

Then I popped in to see lovely Judi at the pet shop for cat litter, a bag of hay and bought her out of tins of Sheba for the cat.

Judi's always so chatty, she's a fab example of why shopping local is so much nicer than going to the supermarket because you really get to know your local shopkeepers. She was keen to tell me about a campaign to get our local traffic light system in Hasland changed, which I'm 100% behind because there are crashes there all the time, and how we're getting a local butcher soon, which will mean that Hasland has a butcher, baker and greengrocer - so absolutely no need to go to the supermarket. Even though I'm a veggie I do buy meat occasionally when I have friends coming to stay.

So I'm going to be away from this blog for nearly two weeks now, and when I get back I'll have completed a full six months of supermarket-free shopping and be halfway through my challenge.

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