Tuesday, 9 July 2013

On the move...

A couple of regular readers have asked me why my lifestyle seems to have been a bit different over the past few months – with lots of takeaways and nights at friends, and very little in the way of supermarket-free shopping for two.

So it will probably come as no surprise when I tell you that I am now single, and will shortly be moving out of my current home and into Lovely Anna’s spare room.

Don’t worry though, I won’t be going down the saddo ready-meal-for-one route, I’ll still be avoiding the supermarkets and probably cooking loads of yummy veggie teas for Lovely Anna, who had been my guardian angel over the last few months.

And in the meantime, I need to do a big house move without the aid of the supermarkets, which will actually be a bit trickier than it sounds.

Last time I moved house, I did so with the help of my old friend Morrisons - or more specifically, with the help of Morrisons banana boxes. These amazingly-strong double cardboard crates tend to be piled up at the end of every till in the supermarket and are free for shoppers to take.

By the time we were ready to move, the whole dining room was stacked floor-to-ceiling with Morrisons banana boxes.

This time around, I’m going to be ruthlessly downsizing because all my worldly goods (which are currently liberally spread around our rather large, Tardis-esque house) have got to be condensed into Anna’s spare room. Meaning quite a lot of it, including my furniture, is going to have to go into storage in my grandma’s garage.

So right about now I could really use those Morrisons banana boxes!

Instead I’m going to be appealing to my new friends at all my favourite local shops to see if they can help out with any spare boxes from goods they have delivered. Watch this space...

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