Thursday 24 January 2013

A cuckoo in the nest?

Does anybody know what this could be?

The mystery seedling

The reason I ask is that it seems to have sprouted in the middle of my tray of onion seeds, and even I know that it’s not an onion. Or at least, I don’t think it’s an onion - is it?

You see, I told you I was crap with plants. And I’m very sorry to those people who sent me supportive messages in response to my post about planting the onion seeds. I think I may be about to surpass even your worst expectations of how terrible a person can be at gardening.

To recap, a couple of weeks ago I planted two pots of parsley and a tray of onion seeds, in a bid to grow my own as another way of providing for myself without going into a supermarket.

Now I have some sprouting seedlings to show you.....


I reckon the parsley looks a bit stringy, but at least it’s growing. I’ve given it a bit more water and I’m crossing my fingers for it.

The onion seeds are less promising, there’s only about three little shoots popping up, and not even I would make the mistake of calling them healthy-looking. And then there’s this imposter, whoever he is, growing and flourishing in the middle of the tray like a cuckoo chick taking over the nest of another bird.
The onion seedlings, complete with mystery sprouter on the right

So does anyone have any idea what this little seedling could be? And where on earth has he come from? Should I let him live (he might be the only survivor judging by the stringiness of the onion seedlings) or ruthlessly pluck him out?

Uproot him or leave him?

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